Stephanie Pan

Category: voice

Projects voiced by Stephanie Pan

Two Poems by E. E. Cummings – Stelios Manousakis (2006)

For Voice and Live Electronics (10′) Stephanie Pan: Voice Stelios Manousakis: Live Electronics E. E. Cummings: Texts This piece is a setting of two poems by Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962), an American poet, painter, essayist and playwright, best known for his poems and their unconventional use of language and writing. The two poems are characteristic of…

Our Lady of Late – for voice and wineglass

Our Lady of Late is a study on the use of the voice as a pure and primitive expressive instrument, stripped of the layers and conventions established by culture and society that mask our attempts to communicate. The performance incorporates both improvisations inspired by and excerpts from the 16-movement piece by Meredith Monk of the…

Ghostbusters #1 – Touki Delphine (2005)

Experimental music theater piece for seven players on fear and anxiety, and being a hero. Language: Dutch Project page Visit Touki Delphine Touki Delphine / Ghostbusters #1 is de eerste van een drietal voorstellingen die de jonge garde van de VeenFabriek maakt. Zij jagen in deze reeks op het spook ‘angst’ dat onze samenleving steeds…

Ordo Virtutum – Scivias Choir (2003)

Semi-staged performance of Ordo Virtutum by Hildegard von Bingen with Berlin-based Scivias Chor, Performance highlights include: Festival Tage Alter Musik Regensburg, Regensburg, DE; Festival Musica Cortese, Gorizia, IT; Basilika St.Martin Bingen, Bingen, DE; Schnüttgenmuseum, Köln, DE; Festival Neuyenburg, Montalbane, DE Direction: Gilslinde Strunz (scene) and Norbert Rodenkirchen (music) Singers: Rebecca Bain, Katherine Hill, Cora Schmeiser,…

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