Stephanie Pan

Have Robot Dog, Will Travel – live with Ensemble Klang

A song cycle for the technological age. An ode to abstraction, to ambiguity, to words unsaid.

Have Robot Dog, Will Travel is a genre-bending mash up of sound, combining explosive vocals and lush melodies with dirty, gritty beats, noise, delicate drones and fragile landscapes. This live performance brings Stephanie’s instrumentarium of lo-fi electronics, baby synthesizers, toys and toy instruments, autoharp, vintage keyboards, and vocal stylings that span pop music to experimental voice to belcanto singing, together with renowned Ensemble Klang’s rich and powerful sound of brass, electric guitar, percussion and keys.

Manifold musical layers move independently of each other to create a constantly moving landscape, like little creatures on their own separate paths. In between experimental art pop / virtuosic extended voice / noise / participatory performance, the project appropriates digital aesthetics and sensibilities within the irregular and imperfect world of the human voice and analog instruments.

Duration: 45-60min.

Trailer: Have Robot Dog, Will Travel – Stephanie Pan & Ensemble Klang
On Handstands – Stephanie Pan & Ensemble Klang
Residue – Stephanie Pan & Ensemble Klang

Music and text: Stephanie Pan
Voice, synths, objects: Stephanie Pan
Percussion, samplers, backing vocals: Vitaly Medvedev
Electric Guitar, synths: Pete Harden
Keys, synths, backing vocals: Saskia Lankhoorn
Trombone: Anton van Houten
Saxophones: Erik-Jan de With and Michiel van Dijk
Percussion: Joey Marijs

Photos by Rob Hogeslag and Shui Fan

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