Noise, tekno, post-punk and improv meet opera

What can the word ‘opera’ mean in the 21st century and how is it relevant? Forging a collaboration between V2_Klub and Opera Forward Festival from the National Opera, Re-Imagining Opera explores the notion of opera from unexpected perspectives casting a radical and irreverent eye on established ideas.
The performance is created by a freshly formed collective of six leading musicians/composers in the fields of experimental electronics and music, free improv, contemporary new music, opera and theatre, with a shared love for underground scenes – hardcore tekno, hiphop, rap and spoken word, post-punk and noise.
Working through a modular libretto of sorts, they take you on a journey through sparse landscapes, glitchy noise and seas of sound, before dropping you onto a massive thumping wall of hardcore tekno rap and back off again, through ethereal vocals, dramatic song, spoken word, and a far-reaching spectrum of live electronics.
Concept: Stephanie Pan
Developed, composed, and performed by: Marc Alberto (vox and texts, sax, modular synth), Floris van Bergeijk (keys, synths and drum synths, processing), Lynn Cassiers (vox, objects, processing), Ji Youn Kang (supercollider, processing, blippoo box), Stelios Manousakis (feedback clarinet, drum machines, supercollider, processing) and Stephanie Pan (vox and texts, autoharp, (toy) synths).
Commissioned and co-produced by: V2_
Co-produced by: Opera Forward Festival (from Dutch National Opera)