Stephanie Pan

Never The Foxes

Never The Foxes is a project by Bridget Fiske in collaboration with performer/ creators Stephanie Pan, Richard Causer, Navala Chaudhari and Joseph Lau, exploring new thematic, conceptual and choreographic ideas. Never The Foxes (a series of short scenes in development) has grown out of explorations into subjects of origin, orientation, instinct, nature, death, as well as energetic patterns and pulls. In particular they have been exploring findings around the uncanny hunting abilities of foxes.

Artists: Richard Causer, Navala Chaudhari,  Bridget Fiske, Joseph Lau & Stephanie Pan
Music by: Stephanie Pan
Video content creation: Matt Kowalczuk (additional editing by Bridget Fiske)
Sound technician: Stelios Manousakis
Text: Original text by Stephanie Pan and Bridget Fiske. Also using excerpts from Charles Darwin, ‘The Origin of Species’.
With thanks: Andrew Crofts.

This work has also been supported by CLOUD and Stroom Den Haag.

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