Stephanie Pan

Tag: rosa-ensemble

Works with Rosa Ensemble

Room Black – Rosa Ensemble

Singer/Taiko player/Composer/Deviser. Modular music theater performance designed for both deaf and hearing public. Description Seeing, Feeling, Hearing Room Black is a music theatre performance about communication: about the necessity of making contact. Three interpreters are trying to do their job in the best way they can, because the audience shouldn’t miss anything. Diligently they attempt…

BlueBeard – 33 and 1/3 collective (2012)

Singer/Improviser. Experimental mixed-media opera based on the classic Bluebeard. Soundtrack with and by: Michael de Roo, Mete Ensemble, Stephanie Pan, Daniel Cross, Wilbert Bulsink, Jelte van Andel, Koen Kaptijn and Diederik Rijpstra Performances include: [2013] Music Theatre NOW, Jönköping, SE [2012] Sonica Festival, Glasgow, UK; Prototype Festival, New York, US

Götterfunken – Rosa Ensemble (2011)

Experimental music theater performance in collaboration with composer Wilbert Bulsink and illustrator Geert Glas, based on their 9,000km bike-tour through Europe. Credits Percussion – Daniel Cross (Double) Bass (Guitar) – Peter Jessen Keys – Laurens de Boer Guitar – Jeroen Kimman Vocals – Stephanie Pan Vocals – Esther Mugambi Composition – Wilbert Bulsink, Jeroen Kimman…

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