Stephanie Pan

Category: maker

Projects made by Stephanie Pan

They Gather: Lost in Feeling

A mass public participation work for audience, community and artists exploring our need to connect to others, to be seen and to be heard, ‘Lost In Feeling’ re-imagines being in a large gathering (e.g. a demonstration, a celebration) where the self is both lost within and empowered by being part of a mass gathering. Occupying…

Hot Listening Booth

Working to fight off cold as well as the loneliness of solitary listening, Stelios Manousakis’ and Stephanie Pan’s Hot Listening Booth is a venue for intimate listening under high temperatures: a 3-person dry sauna heated by infrared light.

You Are Here: a multi-media performance in three parts for performer, 10m dress, homemade taiko and chocolate cake (2010)

A carefully constructed miniature of the world; a piece where the performer as maker as performer controls all elements of the performance itself. You Are Here: is reality as a construction of the mind. More than theatrical acts, it is states of being, where nothing ‘happens’, but everything exists. It is alternatingly intimate and warm,…

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