Stephanie Pan

Release: Distrails – Selva de Mar

Selva de Mar is a Barcelona based duo, consisting of Israeli cellist Sasha Agranov and Argentine hang/percussionist Pablo Wayne. They describe their music as ‘aquatic’: a tapestry of timeless, almost utopian atmospheres that bewitch the imagination, constructed over an acoustic base (cello and hang), superimposed with a variety of different objects and ethereal use of electronic processes.

For their fourth album (‘Distrails’ – Whatabout music, 2013) they invited a number of guests: , Stephanie Pan and Dave Bianchi (voices), Eyal Streett (bassoon), Oriol Roca(drums), Stelios Manousakis (live electronics) and Pandelis Diamantides (additional electronics). This extended ensemble of star players – with occasional lineup changes – begun playing concerts together in 2013, revealing an excellent chemistry that is captivating their audiences.


Video from the ‘Distrails’ album release, at Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona (October 31, 2013), featuring:
Sasha Agranov (cello), Pablo Wayne (hang and percussion),  and Stephanie Pan (voice),  Ferran Besalduchs (saxophones), Oriol Roca (drums) and Stelios Manousakis (live electronics).


Selva de Mar pages 1, 2
Distrails album page

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