Stephanie Pan

Tag: electronic

Works with electronics

‘What is the current that makes machinery’ – Stelios Manousakis

Performance for female voice and surround live electronics (18′) Stelios Manousakis: Composition, Programming, Live electronics Stephanie Pan: Voice Gertrude Stein: Text ‘What is the current that makes machinery’ is a cycle of short pieces for female voice and surround live electronics, written for vocalist Stephanie Pan and her unique capabilities in extended vocal techniques. The pieces…

Implied Manifesto #1 – A wordless manifesto (2011)

Implied Manifesto #1 is a music performance by Stephanie Pan which incorporates abstracted pop songs, live improvisation and inarticulateness. Made for voice, wineglasses, Suzuki Omnichord, Nebulophone and live sampler, the performance bears semblance to a personal manifesto, but has almost no comprehensible words. Rather, it relies on the visceral presence of the performer, abstract sound,…

You Are Here: a multi-media performance in three parts for performer, 10m dress, homemade taiko and chocolate cake (2010)

A carefully constructed miniature of the world; a piece where the performer as maker as performer controls all elements of the performance itself. You Are Here: is reality as a construction of the mind. More than theatrical acts, it is states of being, where nothing ‘happens’, but everything exists. It is alternatingly intimate and warm,…

Facts to Suit Theories – Stelios Manousakis (2009)

A 30′ minute open work for voice, zither, wine glasses, loopstation and live electronics. Stelios Manousakis: Composition, Programming, Live electronics Stephanie Pan: Voice, Zither, Wineglasses, Loopstation Facts To Suit Theories is a 5-part open composition exploring the continuum between composition and improvisation. The overall structure of the piece and of each part is pre-defined, but its actualization…

Navigation – Computer Aided Breathing (2008)

Navigation is a 40-minute, 6-part open composition for four pipe organs, celesta, harmonium, voice, wine-glass, loopstation and live electronics, written for the Computer Aided Breathing trio. It is a site-specific piece, created in and for the Orgelpark through an exploration of the potential of the space and its instruments during many workshop sessions. The piece…

Release: Fukuoka Method – Computer Aided Breathing (2007)

Debut CD release from experimental improvisation trio Computer Aided Breathing (Stephanie Pan/Kirstin Gramlich/Stelios Manousakis) on SevenInchRecordings [SIRcd002] Kirstin Gramlich: Emu B3 Hammond Stelios Manousakis: Live electronics, Programming, Compilation Stephanie Pan: Voice, Sampler Contact us for ordering a hand-made, limited edition (15eur + shipping).

Two Poems by E. E. Cummings – Stelios Manousakis (2006)

For Voice and Live Electronics (10′) Stephanie Pan: Voice Stelios Manousakis: Live Electronics E. E. Cummings: Texts This piece is a setting of two poems by Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962), an American poet, painter, essayist and playwright, best known for his poems and their unconventional use of language and writing. The two poems are characteristic of…

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