Stephanie Pan

Tag: featured

Featured works

Modern Body Festival

The Modern Body platform examines the nature of our current existence through thematic events that curate experiences – physical, visceral, immersive and intimate.

We seek the modern body within the new worlds that emerge when different artforms intersect, collide, and modulate each other.

Hot Listening Booth

Working to fight off cold as well as the loneliness of solitary listening, Stelios Manousakis’ and Stephanie Pan’s Hot Listening Booth is a venue for intimate listening under high temperatures: a 3-person dry sauna heated by infrared light.

Implied Manifesto #1 – A wordless manifesto (2011)

Implied Manifesto #1 is a music performance by Stephanie Pan which incorporates abstracted pop songs, live improvisation and inarticulateness. Made for voice, wineglasses, Suzuki Omnichord, Nebulophone and live sampler, the performance bears semblance to a personal manifesto, but has almost no comprehensible words. Rather, it relies on the visceral presence of the performer, abstract sound,…

You Are Here: a multi-media performance in three parts for performer, 10m dress, homemade taiko and chocolate cake (2010)

A carefully constructed miniature of the world; a piece where the performer as maker as performer controls all elements of the performance itself. You Are Here: is reality as a construction of the mind. More than theatrical acts, it is states of being, where nothing ‘happens’, but everything exists. It is alternatingly intimate and warm,…

Little Drummer Girl, or, My First Taiko (2010)

This is a pet project that has been keeping me busy lately. I have long been fascinated by taikos, and after a very fortunate encounter with Uzume, a mixed-genre taiko collective/ensemble and discovering I could build my own taiko, I became set on finally learning how to play, but not before I built my own…

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