A song cycle for the technological age. An ode to abstraction, to ambiguity, to words unsaid.
Implied Manifesto #1 is a music performance by Stephanie Pan which incorporates abstracted pop songs, live improvisation and inarticulateness. Made for voice, wineglasses, Suzuki Omnichord, Nebulophone and live sampler, the performance bears semblance to a personal manifesto, but has almost no comprehensible words. Rather, it relies on the visceral presence of the performer, abstract sound,…
A carefully constructed miniature of the world; a piece where the performer as maker as performer controls all elements of the performance itself. You Are Here: is reality as a construction of the mind. More than theatrical acts, it is states of being, where nothing ‘happens’, but everything exists. It is alternatingly intimate and warm,…
This is a pet project that has been keeping me busy lately. I have long been fascinated by taikos, and after a very fortunate encounter with Uzume, a mixed-genre taiko collective/ensemble and discovering I could build my own taiko, I became set on finally learning how to play, but not before I built my own…